Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thoughts on the Mosque

So for probably two years or so I've had a blog with no posts on it. Some of my friends have been prodding me for a couple months to post something, but nothing has really piqued me enough to warrant online venting - until now.
Yes, that's right, Dan, Dan, and Jason. I am going to express my opinion on an issue. Online.

What's been bothering me recently is the issue of the proposed mosque close to Ground Zero in New York City. Of course, like everyone else, I've read about the angry and virulent protests being staged around the country. I've also come into contact with more than a few people here in Utah who have expressed to me their opposition to the mosque.

Now, on most political issues, even the more controversial ones, I feel that both sides make valid points that are based in certain underlying values, many of which we all share. Although I lean left, I can usually see where the opposition is coming from. The debate over the mosque, however, I find to be completely ridiculous. The fact that it has been successfully pitched as a national political issue is itself an absurdity.

Legally speaking, of course, the issue is moot. Any government opposition of the mosque would be an obvious infringement of first amendment rights, and would be roundly struck down by the Supreme Court - if it even made it that far.
What worries me more is the
popular opposition. Of course many opposed to the mosque say that they have nothing against Muslims in general, and they recognize that not all Muslims are terrorists. If they truly believe this, however, it's hard to explain why they are so offended at the idea of a mosque close to Ground Zero. The opposition is obviously and shamelessly specific to the religion in question. A synagogue, for example, would barely have provoked a media yawn.

Those Americans who choose to oppose this place of worship, though they may not wish to recognize it, are essentially saying, "I equate the religion of Islam with Islamic fundamentalism."
If you don't believe this, there's no ground for opposition. If you do believe it, it's time you made some Muslim friends and started reading the world news.

My emotions on the subject came to a head when I heard today on the radio of a Florida pastor who plans to burn copies of the Qur'an unless the mosque is relocated. Here we have a group of religious people faced with the choice of forcibly relocating their house of worship or seeing copies of their holy scripture put publicly to the pyre. What country does this sound like to you? I hope it's not the America you know. It's definitely not the one I believe in.

To hear so-called Christians spouting this xenophobic stupidity is one thing. To hear it from Latter-day Saints, however, is quite another. We, of all people, should understand the plight of a religion whose fundamentalist offshoots have unfortunately defined its public image.
If, for example, the state of Texas were to outlaw the construction of an LDS temple on the grounds that it would promote polygamy, how would an Latter-day Saint react? With rightful outrage. We refuse to be defined by a few rogue individuals who abuse our doctrines. So does the vast majority of the American Muslim population.

As religious people, we all face tremendous opposition in modern America. It's no secret that many politicians and other influential people are aiming for the complete secularization of our country. In such an environment, I cannot understand how God-fearing people can spend their time and energy making sure that other God-fearing people can't build their house of prayer. We're all in this together, and unless we stop bickering and start recognizing our similarities, we'll fail together.